Hi Swim and Dive Families!
Just checking in to make sure you have scheduled your sports physical for the upcoming girl's season. You will not be able to get in the water if we do not have a current physical on file. Please note that physicals are good for two academic years. If you are unsure about whether or not your physical is still current, please contact Mrs. Dohr at (ldohr@neenah.k12.wi.us) or at 751-6900, x105.
In addition, all swimmers need to have their completed eligibility forms turned into Mrs. Dohr before our first practice on August 12th. You can find all the necessary forms by clicking on the "forms" link over on the right side of the blog. That link will direct you to Neenah High School's Athletics page. Eligibility forms are on the right side of that page. You will need to print out each form and complete them. Turn in your completed forms to Mrs. Dohr in the Activities Office (enter at Door 3) before August 12th.
As always, please let us know if you have any questions or concerns!